Rogue One – The Missing Scenes (Spoilers)

Something bothered me after watching Rogue One – where was that scene from the trailer? Then, the more I thought about it, it became where were those scenes from the trailers? So I started digging through the trailers, capturing any image that I didn’t remember being in the film.

It’s worth noting that I saw this film in Malaysia. There may have been edits (for duration or content) made for a Malaysian audience that mean that some scenes below were in the version you saw. If so, please note them in the comments below. Also, I’ve only seen the film once, I may have just missed seeing a scene.

Alternate takes or trimmed scenes:

These shouldn’t be spoilers.

I don’t remember seeing the captured rebel pilots on Jedha.


Flying over the fallen statue. It’s still seen, but it’s fallen the other way, and you see it from ground level.


K2 promising not to kill Jyn because the captain told him not to.


Krennic has “The Power” conversation with Vader. The scene is still there, but that line, which always felt poorly delivered anyway, isn’t.











Much more spoiler-y edits:

Krennic walking through the destruction on Scarif. Given where he was when the attack started, and where he later confronted Jyn (in the same buiilding) how did he end up outside?


Jyn in a pilot’s seat. Not in the movie. Add this to one below about K2, and you get the possibility that there was a very different ending to this film.


Vader on the Death Star. Not in the movie:


K2 still alive after Jyn has the Death Star plans. Not in the movie.


The biggest, in my mind. Jyn versus the TIE fighter. I was anticipating this scene, and when it became obvious they were building to it, I started to get excited. Then boom, no TIE fighter in this scene. This was the scene that triggered this whole post.

Am I wrong? Where any of those scenes there? My partner isn’t the biggest Star Wars fan, so there were a few times when I had to look away from the screen to explain something to her (like why I laughed at the “Hey, watch where you’re going…” scene).

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