(Where is) A Writer’s Toolbox (Part 3)

This is long overdue, and I apologize. But it will be a while yet. There are two reasons you haven’t seen this post yet:

First, because I’ve discovered great new free tool for writers, however I haven’t figured it out completely yet. And I’m not sure it’s stable. I’ve installed it in four websites. In two it works perfectly, in the other two, it doesn’t work at all, and I can’t figure out why.

Second, I’m feeling a little pissed. After I quickly launched my first two parts, a ‘friend’ cannibalized my content and posted it on social media, a little each day, gaining a whole bunch of exposure, new followers, and grateful friends in the writing community, without acknowledging that I was the source. When I contacted her about this, she deleted the posts, then blocked me.

So I’m feeling a little salty about posting things I’ve learned that could help the community.

I do intend to post it eventually, but for now, I’m waiting.